
Lotus Europa News -- October 2009 
Articles and other interesting goodies.
October 31
October 29
October 28
October 27
October 26
- Updated the Europa Registry at 10:24 PM.
- I've begun work on the 2010 Europa Calendar and am looking for photos for the cover, and for each month. It will be a 13 month calendar so I have space for 14 photos.
- For best results, the photos need to be at least 1600 x 1200 and will need them NLT Thanksgiving to make Christmas delivery.
- I'll reserve months on a first-come-first-reserved basis.
- Previous calendars have filled up fast, so please let me know ASAP if you want your car (or cars) featured.
- There is a work copy of the calendar here.
- Updated the Europa Registry at 6:48 AM.
October 25
October 24
October 23
October 22
October 21
October 20
October 19
October 18
October 16
- Got the results of my fourth (and final) quarterly PSA test since Prostate Surgery. It's still Zero, so now I'll only need annual testing.
- Updated the Europa Registry at 6:42 AM.
October 15
October 13
October 12
October 9
October 8
October 7
- Updated the Europa Registry at 2:27 PM.
- There is a 1969 Europa S2 (541518) for sale on ebay. Bid to $1,994.00/Did not make reserve.
This car was on ebay 6/24/09 for $3500 with no bids, stripped and primered, then back on ebay 9/4/09 for $6250 with no bids.
- More Photos.
October 4
October 1