A Brief History Of Lotus-Europa.Com
- I purchased my First Europa on November 8, 2003 and immediately started a web site called "Jerry's Europa Experience".
- It was basically a BLOG that detailed my experiences with the car.
- Feb: Purchased hosting and registered the name lotus-europa.com.
- Apr: Introduced the Europa Knowledgebase V2.0.0 (V1.0.0 was the Beta).
- Aug 2004: New Webiste Design.
- Oct: Began compiling and posting manuals and other Europa documents.
- Nov: Started work on the Europa Registry.
- Dec: Released Knowledgebase V2.1.0.
- Jan: Went live with the Europa Registry (current lnk).
- Feb: Released Knowledgebase V2.2.0.
- Feb: Added Europa paint codes page.
- Jun: Colorized existing wiring diagrams and added them to the site.