This is where Lotus Europa Central is created.

Entering the computer/radio room.

24" main, 23"extended desktop XP monitors, dual 19" Vista monitors, 32" Vizio TV/mirror server monitor.

Network of three Pentium and one Xeon (server) computers. Dual 1TB USB drives (silver). Monitors removed for visibility.

Left side of Ham Radio station.

Right side of Ham Radio station.

Electronic test/assembly area and Ham Radio VHF/UHF dual-band radio location.

Color printer/scanner/copier, slide/film scanner, fax machine and vinyl album/cassette/8-track to mp3 ripping station.

Printing supplies and wide-carriage photo printer.

Reference library and electronic components storage

Aerial photo of Lotus Europa Central. 0716R in the garage, 460355 in front of the garage, 460586 behind the red truck.

The Lotus Europa Central garage

The Lotus Europa Central garage

The Lotus Europa Central garage

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