
October 2005 Activity Log 

S1A - Removed the passenger door fixed glass today. The small bolts that attached it to the door frame were rusted solid so I had to grind them off before I could get it apart.
S2 - Took a drive for about 1 1/2 hours today to give the car a good shake-down. Tested the anti-freeze and filled the gas tank with 93 octane, octane boost and lead additive. Was a very enjoyable drive as the weather was excellent for this time of the year.
Spent today cleaning and re-arranging the garage so I can make some more room to work on the S1A. Removed a floor-standing metal shelf and plan to install some wall-mounted shelving tomorrow. Supposed to be 35°F tonight so winter is coming! Need to check the anti-freeze in the S2 since it will live outside under a cover this winter.
S2 - Mounted the wheels and went for a test drive for about 1/2 hour. Probably going to spend the next couple of weeks winterizing the house and yard.

S2 - Today I picked up the chromed lug nuts from Metro Plating & Polishing. They did a very nice job and completed the job on schedule as promised. I give them an A+.
In preparation for mounting the wheels I applied some white lithium grease to the inside of each nut. Maybe the sun will peek out tomorrow and I can get the wheels put back on.
S1A - Connected a 12VDC power supply to the car and the headlights and fan run. Soon I'll check the compression in each engine cylinder after which I may attempt to start it. Have to wait until the lug nuts for the S2 are back from the plating shop so I can move it and push the S1A into the driveway. Not going to try to start it inside the garage.