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Lotus Europa News -- February 2010

Articles and other interesting goodies. This site relies heavily on your shared information.
  • Have a Lotus Service Bulletin lying around?
  • How about a brochure or other publication?
  • Old photos gethering dust (I can scan photos/slides/negatives)?
  • Want to share your Lotus experience?
  • Can you draw cartoons or caricatures?
  • What will make Lotus Europa Central better?
  • All suggestions and submissions are greatly appreciated!

February 28

February 27

February 26

February 25

February 24

February 23

February 22

February 19
  • Can anybody identify this car? Thought to be at the Walter Mitty Race at Road Atlanta in 2004. Notice that the trailer has Alabama tags. I'd really like to include it (and more photos) in the Registry.
  • - Update 2/25/10 - Found the owner and entered the car into the registry.

  • Updated the Online Europa Knowledgebase Database at 5:40 AM.
  • Updated the Europa Knowledgebase Database at 5:40 AM.

February 13

February 12

February 11
  • Updated the ForSale/Wanted page at 6:05 AM.
  • Blizzard finally stopped late last night.
    • Total snow for this storm was 13".
    • Going outside to shovel the last of it after daylight.
    • Total snow this winter at Baltimore Washington International (BWI) for the season so far is 79.9" blowing away the previous record of 62".

February 10
  • Updated the ForSale/Wanted page at 11:06 AM.
  • More snow today.
    • Shoveled at 7:15, 9:15 and 10:15 AM so far.
    • Maybe 10" since yesterday evening and supposed to continue for a few more hours.
    • Wind is blowing the snow and visilility is near zero.
  • Updated the Europa Registry at 3:29 AM.

February 8

  • Still digging out today.
    • Made a pretty good dent in the driveway snow before a truck with four young guys stopped.
    • Offered to complete the shoveling and dig out one of my cars "for a fair price".
    • Since I'm not as spry as I once was, I agreed and they completed the task.
    • Now all I need to deal with is the 12" MORE of snow we're supposed to have on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
    • Neighbors on the cross street got tired of waiting for the plow and about 12 of them dug the street out themselves.

February 7
  • Updated the Europa Registry at 1:52 PM.

  • Digging out a little today.
    • Made a path from the garage onto the front deck and to the street.
    • This snow is HEAVY and sticks to the shovel. A real PITA to move.
    • May take a while until I'm dug out, but I have nowhere to go anyway, so I'm in no hurry

February 6
  • Updated the Europa Registry at 2:54 PM.

  • It's Déjà vu all over again (Yogi Berra).
    • Second major storm of the season (First was December 19).
    • This one measures 23" and is supposed to continue until late this afternoon (Posting this at 8:54 AM).
    • Real blizzard conditions out there with blowing snow and winds at 35 MPH+.
    • Update 2/7/10 - Final total for the storm is 31" (78.7 cm).

February 5

February 1
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