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Lotus Europa News -- February 2006

February 28
  - Updated the For Sale Page at 4:31 AM.
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 4:20 AM.

February 27
  - There is a 1970 Europa S2 (7004--0251R) On eBay. Runs good but needs paint.
  - Added "1968 Australian Sports Car World Magazine Ad & article" to the Literature page at 5:21 AM.
  - Updated the For Sale Page at 4:54 AM.
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 4:47 AM.
  - Updated the Europa Knowledgebase Database at 4:14 AM.

February 25
  - Removed the steering column and dash panels from the S1A this afternoon.
  - There is a 1968 Europa S2 (540818) On eBay. British Racing Green over Yellow. Located in Vienna, Austria.
  - There is a 1972 Europa TC Special (72092691R) On eBay. Appears in good condition. First registered in 1973.
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 3:57 PM.
  - Added 1967 Type 54 photos to the Vintage Photos.
  - Updated the For Sale Page at 10:36 AM.
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 10:33 AM.
  - Updated the Birkin Knowledgebase Database at 8:16 AM.

February 24
  - Added "Renault R16 Workshop Manual Section N - Bodywork (Door lock pages only)" to the Documentation (S1) Section at 11:07 AM.
  - Added "Renault R16 Workshop Manual Section D - Clutch" to the Documentation (S1) Section at 9:04 AM.
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 8:41 AM.

February 23
  - Added "Renault R16 Workshop Manual Section C - Electrical" to the Documentation (S1) Section at 1:47 PM.

February 21
  - Added "Renault R16 Workshop Manual Section E - Gearbox" to the Documentation (S1) Section at 5:04 PM.
  - Added "Renault R16 Workshop Manual Section B - Engine" to the Documentation (S1) Section at 3:45 PM.
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 1:39 PM.
  - Updated the For Sale Page at 1:38 PM.
  - There is a 1973 Europa TC Special On eBay. Appears in good condition.

February 20
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 6:03 PM.
  - Released Europa Knowledgebase 3.0 (Beta 4) for testing at 4:03 AM.
  - Updated the Europa Knowledgebase Database at 1:21 AM.

February 19
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 2:19 PM.
  - Added "1967 Motor Sport Magazine Announcement" to the Literature page at 12:45 PM.
  - Updated the Movies page at 7:23 AM.
  - Updated the February Activity Log at 1:01 AM.
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 12:43 AM.

February 18
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 2:21 AM.

February 17
  - Added 1968 photos of the Hethel factory to the Vintage Photos.
  - Updated the Europa Registry at 2:51 AM.

February 16
  - Updated the Europa Knowledgebase Database.

February 15
  - Updated the For Sale Page.
  - Updated the Europa Registry.

February 14
  - Updated the For Sale Page.
  - Updated the Europa Registry.
  - Added "Europa S1 Gauge Lettering" to the Documentation (Other/Electrical) Page.
  - There is a Europa S1A on eBay UK. Has S2 electric windows. Converted to RHD. Renault cross-flow engine.

February 13
  - Updated the Europa Registry.

February 12
  - Lotus-europa.com is back up! A Spammer had accessed the SMTP directory for lotus-europa.com (a neat trick since I have never used that service) and was sending Spam so my hosting company suspended my account. I delted all user accounts and changed all passwords sitewide to correct the problem. Thanks for your patience.

February 10
  - Updated the Europa Knowledgebase Database.

February 9
  - Added a page containing information about the Hermes Renault performance upgrade.
  - Added a page containing vintage photographs.
  - Arranged the left menu on all pages.

February 8
  - Updated the Europa Registry.

February 7
  - There is a 1972 Europa TC Special SCCA racer for sale on eBay. Was SCCA Solo II National Winner.

February 6
  - There is a 1973 Europa TC Special for sale on eBay. Was purchased from ebay 9/05. Needs complete restoration.
  - Updated the Europa Registry.
  - Updated the Birkin Knowledgebase Database.

February 5
  - Updated the Europa Registry.
  - Updated the Europa Knowledgebase Database.

February 4
  - Updated the Europa Registry.
  - There is a 1973 Europa TC Special for sale on eBay. Disassembled estate sale. Needs complete restoration.

February 3
  - Updated the Europa Registry.

February 1
  - Posted the Lotus Europa S sales brochure.
  - Updated the Europa Knowledgebase Database.

This site hosts the registry of all known Europas. Please make sure yours is included.

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