
Lotus Europa News -- December 2009 
Articles and other interesting goodies.
This site relies heavily on your shared information.
- Have a Lotus Service Bulletin lying around?
- How about a brochure or other publication?
- Old photos gethering dust (I can scan photos/slides/negatives)?
- Want to share your Lotus experience?
- Can you draw cartoons or caricatures?
- What will make Lotus Europa Central better?
- All suggestions and submissions are greatly appreciated!
December 31
December 30
December 29
December 28
December 26
December 25
Merry Christmas Everybody!
December 22
December 21
- I'm testing a new menu bar on the top of all pages. Feedback is appreciated.
December 20
December 19
- Official snow total at Baltimore/Washington International (BWI) airport was
20.5 21" (BWI updated 12/21/09).
- Ran the snow blower twice yesterday and will need another pass today.
December 18
- Weather guessers predict 12-18"+ of snow here in the D.C. area tonight. Heading for the shed to dig out the snow blower.
December 17
December 16
December 15
December 14
December 13
December 11
December 10
December 9
December 8
December 7
December 6
December 5
- The 2010 Europa Calendar was sent to the printer yesterday. They should be printed and returned to me soon. As this is a new printer (I used to do them in-house), I'm not ready to take orders until I'm happy with the quality.
November 4
December 3
December 1
- The 2010 Europa Calendar is in final review and going to the printer on December 4th. After that date, there can be no changes, so please let me know if you see any major errors or omissions.