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May 2006 Activity Log

S2 -Outside temperature has been 94°F for the past couple of days so I finally installed the blower I bought from Aardvark on 6/30/04. Only connected the drivers side vent so far and it really moves a lot of air.

All of the photos I took today are here.

S1A - Took photos of the S1A frame today. -
Low Res - Hi Res

S2 - Took photos of the Radius Arm Resilient Mounts today.

S1A - Built a dolly to support the car 24" above the ground so I can move it to the driveway when time comes to strip the paint. Settled on 24" as that allows the frame to ride on a carpet dolly I have and store under the car in the garage. The car dolly is 48" wide and 65" long only because I wanted to build it from four 8' lenghts of 2" x 6" lumber.

All of the photos I took today are here.

S1A - Gave the frame of 460355 a good bath with "Simple Green" and a scrub brush today. Removed much of the surface rust and a lot of grease. Ground what remained of the rivets and cleared the rivet holes.

S1A - Stripped the wiring harness, brake lines, e-brake and everything else from the frame today.

All of the photos I took today are here.

S1A - Finished cutting the fiberglass and removed the frame today.

All of the photos I took today are here.

S1A - Continued freeing the front of the frame from the body. Removed the patches used by the factory to bond the body to the chassis box section and removed the rivets on the top and bottom of the box section.

All of the photos I took today are here.

S1A - Cut the fiberglass surrounding the right and left front corners of the frame. Found lots of surface rust between the bottom of the frame and the fiberglass.

All of the photos I took of 460355 today are here.

S1B - Took some more photos of the drivers window today.

All of the photos I took of 460586 today are here.

S1A - Weighed the front and rear of the car now that everything is removed except the body, frame and wiring loom.
Without the rear cover or bonnet the front weighs 187 pounds and the rear weighs 131 pounds.

Here are some photos:
S1A - Removed the radius arms and coolant transfer pipes and threaded all wiring in the boot back into the frame. The front of the frame box doesn't look bad at all. Apparently, most of the rust is in the passenger footwell area.

All of the photos I took today are here.

S1A - Removed all of the upholstery and the seat belts this morning. Managed to get everything unstuck without damage so I should be able to make good patterns for replacement material. When I removed the covering from the dash top I found the number 7 with a circle around it and some script that appears to be (G O B) or (9013). Maybe one day a former Lotus worker will explain what it means. It can be seen in
this photo.

All of the photos I took today are here.
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