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Photos Of S2 #0716R

Other Europas I Have Owned - S1A #460355 - S1B #460586

10/25/10 - Sold 0716R to Richard Piper

7/9/07 - Took photos of the Motorola alternator and voltage regulator today.

1/6/07 - Reassembled and reinstalled the brake master cylinder.

12/27/06 - Removed the brake master cylinder to rebuild it.

11/28/06 - Took photos of select dash components while working on the colorized S2 wiring diagram.

11/27/06 - Removed the dash to gain access to the wires on the back.

10/3/06 - Replaced the rear brake cylinder.

5/31/06 - Installed the blower I bought from Aardvark on 6/30/04.

5/30/06 - Took photos of the Radius Arm Resilient Mounts today.

8/28/05 - Black windshield trim applied.

8/17/05 - Getting really close now.

08/01/05 - Getting ready for windshield trim.

03/01/05 - Fuse box photos.

12/01/04 - Almost finished.

11/01/04 - Still putting it back together.

10/01/04 - Paint is finished and we're back home.

09/01/04 - Still working on the new paint.

08/01/04 - Getting ready for paint.

07/01/04 - Fender bender and broken sway bar.

04/01/04 - Coolant and fuel catch cans.

03/01/04 - Crash pad removal, electronic heater valve, new muffler and photos with the truck.

2/01/04 - New battery tray and modified swirl pot.

12/01/03 - Identification and inspection tags.

11/08/03 - Bringing it home from Michigan.

11/01/03 - Photos taken by the last owner prior to my purchase.

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