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October 2004 Activity Log


Installed the front bumper this morning using the new bumper bolts and washers I bought from RD. Still need to find the poor connection for parking lights and need to paint and install the grill screen then the front will be finished.

Finished installing the side marker, parking and headlights this morning. The marker and parking lights still don't work due to the poor connection I mentioned yesterday in this log so I connected a 12 VDC power supply to them. When I connected a multimeter in series with the power supply I found that all four lights together only draw 1.7 amps so there is not a problem with excessive current drain. I reconnected the headlights and they work properly but I did not mount the trim ring as I'll need to adjust the headlights once I finish putting the car back together.

According to the S2 wiring diagram the front parking lights and side markers are on the same circuit as the dash lights which work properly so the poor connection must be somewhere between the dash lights and the red wire coming out of the wiring harness near the radiator. More troubleshooting and a trip under the dash coming soon.

Installed the drivers' side front marker and parking lights today. Reconnected the wires and they don't work. Traced the problem to a poor connection somewhere between the light switch on the dash and the red wire coming out of the wiring harness near the radiator. I have 12 vdc when there is no load on the wire at the radiator and 0 vdc with any kind of load at all. Both tail lights work so I suspect the switch is OK but will troubleshoot more next time I have a chance to work on the car.

Been cleaning and organizing the garage so I can free up space to work on the Europa again. Amazing how much crap accumulated in the 11 weeks the car was out for paint. Barely had room to get the car into the garage. Should be able to start reassembling the car soon.

This evening I removed the engine and bonnet covers and moved the car outside so I could wash the sanding dust from the engine and bonnet. Dried the outside of the car and allowed the bonnet to drain then moved it back into the garage. Now I can start reassembling the car.

Finally picked the car up from the body shop today. Followed the wife home because I did not have headlights or front turn signals. Stuck the license plate and the rear lights on and risked the police since it was only two miles from the shop to my house. Now I can start putting the car back together. Took some photos for my scrapbook.

Still raining today and tomorrow. Will pick the car up from the body shop on Friday when the forecast says it's going to be a lot nicer. Don't want to drive in the rain with the door seals out of the car.

Took some photos of the painted car today. The base and clear coats are applied and curing and the weather sucks! It's raining today and there's rain forecast for Monday and Tuesday next week, so I'll pick the car up on Wednesday.

Stopped by the body shop today to check progress on the paint job. The manager was sanding and taping and will paint the car this afternoon. I'll stop by again tomorrow on my way to work.

The body shop manager called today to tell me that they have finished final sanding of the sealer. They will paint the car with the color and clear coats next week and should return it to me by the end of the week.

Took some photos of the car with sealer applied. The sealer needs sanded and a couple of high spots knocked down before the final paint can be applied but the car is looking very good already. We adjusted the drivers' door while I was there as it was closing very close to the body at the top right corner.

Visited the body shop this morning. They are still sanding and priming the car and should complete sealing it later today.

This afternoon the body shop manager called to tell me they had completed sealing the car. I will take some photos tomorrow and update this site.

Had a call from the body shop manager this afternoon. They are going to seal the primer and will leave the car in their paint booth to dry over the weekend. I'll delay updating the photos on this site until Monday when the car comes out of the paint booth.
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