Lotus Europa Central
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Europa Parts For Sale

All items are used and sold "as-is", without warranty, unless otherwise stated.
All prices are PLUS shipping, insurance (if desired) and crating cost for large items.
Cash, Money Order, Checks (allow 14 days to clear). PayPal preferred.
Contact me to purchase. - Jerry

S1 ignition switch and boot/engine cover locks. One key fits all. - $50.00 - SOLD

S1 heater. Pressure tested and painted with POR-15 - $40.00 - SOLD

Engine cover hinges. - $20.00 / Both - SOLD
Assorted electrical components, bulbs & connectors. - $20.00
Seatbelt shoulder bolts. - $15.00 - SOLD
Speedometer cable with 336 angle drive. - $40.00 - SOLD
Trrottle cable for S1/S2 / NOS - $40.00
Ducellier alternator voltage regulator . - $20.00
S1 flasher. - $5.00
S1 brake M/C with push rod. - $20.00

Pertronix Ignitor module for Renault with Ducillier distributor - New/unused - $65.00 - SOLD
S1 front side lights. Modified for two lamp sockets. - $25.00 - SOLD
S1 license light. - $10.00 - SOLD
Renault head positioning tools - $65.00 - SOLD
Differential bearing adjustment nut tool (46F6179) - $65.00 - SOLD
Rear brake cylinder - New - $20.00 - SOLD
Clutch shaft seal (46F6022). 2 available. One in box, one not in box. - $15.00 each - SOLD ALL
336 Output shaaft seal (46F6164). 4 available. - $5.00 each - SOLD ALL

Wheel bearing housings:
  • 1 NOS S1/S2 (right) - SOLD
  • 1 used S1/S2 (right) - SOLD
  • 1 used S1/S2 (left) - SOLD
  • 2 NOS TC (right) - SOLD BOTH
  • $50.00/each.
S1 top right wishbone - $25.00 - SOLD
S1 radiator fan - $20.00
S1 Fuel Filler Neck, Hose, and Cap - $5.00 - SOLD

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