Lotus Europa Central
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Lotus Europa News -- May 2011

Articles and other interesting goodies. This site relies heavily on your shared information.
  • Have a Lotus Service Bulletin lying around?
  • How about a brochure or other publication?
  • Old photos gethering dust (I can scan photos/slides/negatives)?
  • Want to share your Lotus experience?
  • Can you draw cartoons or caricatures?
  • What will make Lotus Europa Central better?
  • All suggestions and submissions are greatly appreciated!

May 26

May 25

May 22

May 18

May 9

May 7

May 6

May 5

May 4

May 3
  • An odd Lotus experience.
      In 1969, or maybe spring of '70, while stationed at Fort Monmouth New Jersey, I was driving my brand new Volkswagen Beetle (Red, 4 on the floor) from an apartment in Asbury Park. Beautiful spring day. I saw in the rearview mirror a Lotus Europa coming up behind me. When it drew close, which didn't take long, I was astonished to see Phil Hill at the wheel. Well, it sure looked like Phil Hill. So, of course, I let him pass. It still looked like Phil Hill.
      I have not been able to determine if Mr. Hill ever owned or even drove a Lotus Europa, or was in New Jersey in '69 or '70.
      Can anyone burst the bubble of my imagination? - Mark K Lough

May 2
  • My Wife is doing a little better every day so I've begun to work on my email backlog. Will address it on a FIFO basis as time permits. Thanks again for your patience.
  • Updated the Europa Registry at 6:01 AM.

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