Lotus Europa Central
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Lotus Europa News -- November 2010

Articles and other interesting goodies. This site relies heavily on your shared information.
  • Have a Lotus Service Bulletin lying around?
  • How about a brochure or other publication?
  • Old photos gethering dust (I can scan photos/slides/negatives)?
  • Want to share your Lotus experience?
  • Can you draw cartoons or caricatures?
  • What will make Lotus Europa Central better?
  • All suggestions and submissions are greatly appreciated!

November 30

November 22

November 21
  • I just received this email and photo from Bruce Wnuk
    • I was on a business trip this week and was driving in farm country between Charlotte and Winston Salem on some back road, and when I just happened to look off to the right I saw two Europas on top of a building ! This is not something you see every day so I stopped in to say hello to the owner (Sports Car Salvage). They sell main parts (chassis, etc.) of Europas and other British sports cars. I took the below picture.

November 20

November 19

November 17

November 16

November 15

November 11

November 8

November 7

November 6

November 5

November 3
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