Lotus Europa Central
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Lotus Europa News -- January 2011

Articles and other interesting goodies. This site relies heavily on your shared information.
  • Have a Lotus Service Bulletin lying around?
  • How about a brochure or other publication?
  • Old photos gethering dust (I can scan photos/slides/negatives)?
  • Want to share your Lotus experience?
  • Can you draw cartoons or caricatures?
  • What will make Lotus Europa Central better?
  • All suggestions and submissions are greatly appreciated!

January 29

January 28
  • Power has been off since the 26th at 8:30 PM Local following an ice storm
    • It just came back on at 7:37 PM today
    • I learned a valuable lesson about being prepared when my generator would not start. I eventually tracked the trouble to a clogged carburetor from sitting too long with old gas in the system but was not able to repair it for lack of a gasket kit. My immediate quest is to get the carburetor repaired and begin regular monthly tests. The temperature in my house had fallen to 52 degrees and we had resorted to wearing coats and stocking caps in the house.

January 16

January 3

January 1
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