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The main difference between the Europa Twin Cam model and the previous model is that of the alternator. Wiring diagrams will be found at the end of this section. Printed copy only. Online wiring diagrams are available here. [JJ]. On cars destined for use in North America, the following are also incorporated into the electrical equipment specification: M.2. - ALTERNATOR - Section Menu
General Description.
All regulator components are enclosed into a solid mould and this unit along with the brush holder assembly is attached to the slip ring frames. The regulator voltage setting does NOT require adjusting and no provision is made for this. The rotor bearings contain sufficient lubricant for the life of the machine. Two brushes carry current through the two slip rings to the field coil mounted on the rotor and under normal conditions will provide long periods without attention. The stator windings are assembled on the inside of a laminated core that forms part of the alternator frame. A rectifier bridge connected to the stator windings contains six diodes and electrically changes the stator 'a.c.' voltages to a 'd.c.' voltage which appears at the alternator output terminals. Field current is supplied through a diode trio which also is connected to the stator windings. No periodic adjustments, or maintenance of any kind are required on the entire alternator assembly.
It will NEVER be necessary to perform all the procedures, in order to locate the trouble. To avoid damage to the electrical equipment, ALWAYS observe the following precautions: Trouble in the charging system will show up as one of the following: Undercharged Battery.
Overcharged Battery. Alternator Driving Belt Adjustment (Fig. 3.)
To adjust the Belt Tension.
To ensure a positive battery clamping action, it is necessary to RETAIN the packing pieces fitted below the battery. These are located at: It is important to ensure also, that the nuts on the battery clamp rods are tightened sufficiently to ensure that the battery does not move on its base. M.4. - HAZARD WARNING SYSTEM (where fitted) - Section Menu The hazard warning system is operated by the horizontally mounted switch adjacent to the glove compartment. When switched 'on', all four direction indicator lamps flash in unison, together with the warning lamp located in the centre of the facia panel. Bulb failure in any of the direction indicator lamps will be shown by the warning lamp failing to flash, or flashing rapidly. NOTE: Do NOT operate the direction indicator switch when the hazard warning system is in operation. M.5. - BRAKE FAIL WARNING SYSTEM (where fitted) - Section Menu M.6. - SEAT BELT WARNING SYSTEM (where fitted) - Section Menu See Section 'B' Body. M.7. - COOLING FAN MOTOR (where fitted) - Section Menu Where moisture is found to be entering the cooling fan motor, it is recommended that Valvoline 'Tectyl 506' be brushed on to casing bolts, seams, etc. Ensure that the sealant does NOT contaminate the motor terminals. Drying time of the sealant is approximately 1 hour. M.8. - PHILLIPS RN.314 'TURNLOCK' RADIO - Section Menu
Full details for fitting a radio are given in Section 'M' of the Europa Workshop Manual. The Phillips radio receiver is earthed to a convenient body-to-chassis mounting bolt. Feed to the receiver is from the 'AUX' side of the ignition/starter switch, through an in-line 2 amp fuse.
M.9. - SWITCHES - Section Menu North American cars are fitted with new switches from Chassis No. 72082684R onwards. These are: Windscreen Wiper/Washer Control
The wiper speed is increased by moving the lever further downwards to the SECOND position (B). To 'flick wipe' the screen, move the lever UP (C) and hold for duration of wipe. On release, the lever will automatically cancel and return to the 'off' position, the blades returning to their normal position. To use the screen washer, push in the lever towards the steering column (D), and release. To remove the switch
Release the switch clamp on the steering column. Pull out cable multi-plugs at lower end of column, and remove switch. Note that the switch is an assembly together with the headlamp/horn switch.
Direction Indicators:
Switch will cancel when steering wheel is moved to execute turn. For 'lane changing', move lever up (D) to FIRST position and hold for right-hand change, and down (E) to FIRST position, holding for left-hand change. Headlamps:
These positions are only operative when the lighting switch (Fig.10) is in operation. Lifting the lever towards the steering wheel (H) flashes the headlamps main beams irrespective of the position of the lighting switch. To remove the Horn, Direction Indicators and Headlamp Switch, see under the heading 'Windscreen Wiper/Washer Control'. The two switches are mounted on a common base plate, thus forming an assembly.
To remove the switch
Turn the slotted nut in an anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise) direction, remove nut and, from front of facia, push switch out. Mark position of cables, then release. Panel Lamps Switch.
The switch incorporates a rheostat which, when the knob is turned further to the right, reduces the glow from the lamps. The switch is only operative when the lighting switch is in operation. To remove the switch
Turn the slotted nut in an anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise) direction, remove nut and, from front of facia, push switch out. Mark position of cables, then release. M.10. - CONTROL ILLUMINATION - Section Menu Commencing at Chassis No. 72082684R, all cars destined for use in North America are fitted with control illumination (see Figs. 12 and 13). To replace any of the illumination bulbs, simply pull from their location, fit new bulbs, and replace holders. Online wiring diagrams are available here. [JJ]. Other Notes: [edit] |