Wheelbase 233.7 cm. (92 in.)
Track – Front 135.8 cm. (53.5 in.)
- Rear 134.6 cm. (53 in.)
Overall - Length 400 cm. (157½ in.)
- Width 163.8 cm. (64½ in.)
- Height 107.9 cm. (42½ in.)
Ground Clearance (design) 15 cm. (6 in.)
Turning Circle 12.5m. (41 ft.)
Weight (unladen) 686 kg. (1,513 lbs.)
CAPACITIES - Section Menu Engine Sump (including filter) 4 litres (7½ pts.; 9 U.S. pts.)
Transmission 1.75 litres (3 pts.; 3.6 U.S. pts:)
Coolant (with heater) 10.8 litres (19 pts.; 22.8 U.S. pts.)
Fuel 56 litres (12.5 gal.; 15 U.S. gall.)
ENGINE - Section Menu
Number of cylinders 4
Capacity 1558 cc. (95.06 cu. in.)
Stroke 72.746 mm. (2.864 in.)
Bore - Grade 1 82.550/82.558 mm. (3.2500/3.2503 in.)
- Grade 2 82.558/82.565 mm. (3.2503/3.2506 in.)
- Grade 3 82.565/82.573 mm. (3.2506/3.2509 in.)
- Grade 4 82.573/82.580 mm. (3.2509/3.2512 in.)
Compression Ratio - Europa TC
(All Territories) 9.5 : 1
- Europa Special
(UK & Export) 10.3 : 1
- Europa Special
(N. America) 9.5 : 1
Pressure at sea level
(All models, all Territories) In excess of 11.248 kg.cm.sq.
(160 lbs.sq.in.)
Each cylinder within 1.41 kg.cm.sq.
(20 lbs .sq .in.) of each other.
Cylinder Head
Material Aluminium
Gasket Copper/asbestos
Valve timing - Inlet opens 26° B.T.D.C.
- Inlet closes 66° A.B.D.C.
- Exhaust opens 66° B.B.D.C.
- Exhaust closes 26° A.T.D.C.
Angle of valve seats and faces 45°
Head diameter -Inlet - Europa TC 38.760/38.862 mm. (1.526/1.530 in.)
(UK & Export)
- Europa TC 39.624/39.776 mm. (1.560/1.566 in.)
(N. America)
- Europa Special 39.624/39.776 mm. (1.560/1.566 in.)
(All Territories)
- Exhaust 33.553/33.655 mm. (1.321/1.325 in.)
(All models, all Territories)
Stem diameter - Inlet and Exhaust 7.874/7.899 mm. (.310/.311 in.)
Stem clearance in guide - Inlet .007/.058 mm. (.0003/.0023 in.)
- Exhaust .063/.076 mm. (.0025/.0030 in.)
Clearance (cold) - Inlet .127/.177 mm. (.005/.007 in.)
- Exhaust .228/.279 mm. (.009/.011 in.)
Valve Springs:
Type Dual
Free length - Inner 28.70 mm. (1.130 in.)
- Outer 36.83 mm. (1.450 in.)
Rate - Inner @ 23.4 mm. (.92 in.) 5.6kg. (12.41bs.)
- Inner@14.7 mm. (.58 in.) 15.2kg. (33.51bs.)
- Outer @ 29.7 mm. (1.17 in.) 20.4 kg. (45.0 lbs.)
- Outer @ 21.1 mm. (.83 in.) 49.4 kg. (109 lbs.)
Valve guides:
Length - Inlet 36.608 mm. (1.520 in.)
- Exhaust 37.592 mm. (1.480 in.)
External diameter - Std. 12.700/12.713 mm. (.500/.5005 in.)
- O/size 12.852/12.865 mm. (.5060/.5065 in.)
Interference fit (all) .0127/.0381 mm. ( .0005/.0015 in.)
Fitted height above cylinder head 8.128 mm. (.320 in.)
Internal diameter (all) ream after fitting 7.907/7.932 mm. (.3113/3123 in.)
Bore in cylinder head - Std. 12.674/12.687 mm. (.499/.4995 in.)
- O/size 12.872/12.839 mm. (.505/.5055 in.)
Journal diameter 25.4/25.413 mm. (1.000/1.0005 in.)
End Float .076/.254 mm. (.003/.010 in.)
Bearings - Number 5
- Type Steel backed white metal
- Running clearance .013/.050 mm. (.0005/.002 in.)
Cam followers:
Bore in head 34.925/34.940 mm. (1.375/1.3756 in.)
Outside diameter 34.904/34.91 2 mm. (1.3742/1.3745 in.)
Follower to head clearance .013/.036 mm. (.0005/.0014 in.)
Bearings - Number 3
- Type Steel backed white metal
- Length - Front 19.05 mm. (.75 in.)
- Centre 16.26 mm. (.64 in.)
- Rear 19.05 mm. (.75 in.)
- Running clearance .025/.050 mm. (.001/.002 in.)
Journal diameter 39.624/39.637 mm. (1.560/1.5605 in.)
End float .063/.190 mm. (.0025/.0075 in.)
Balance Within 14.42 gr. cm. (2 oz. in.)
Diameter - Main journals 53.987/54.000 mm. (2.1255/2.1260 in.)
- Crankpin 49.199/49.211 mm. (1.9370/1.9375 in.)
End float - Dimension .076/.203 mm. (.003/.008 in.)
- Controlled by Thrust washers on centre main bearing
Bearings - Number 5
- Type Steel backed, lead bronze with lead
- Running clearance .038/.076 mm. (.0015/.0030 in.)
Maximum undersize for re-grind .762 mm. (.03 in.)
Maximum run out (lateral) .101 mm. (.004 in.)
Starter ring gear - Run out - Lateral .406 mm. (.016 in.)
- Radial .152 mm. (.006 in.)
Connecting Rod
Type 'H' Section
Material Steel forging
Distance between centres 12.19/12.24 cm. (4.799/4.801 in.)
Bearings - Type Steel backed, lead bronze with lead
- Running clearance .013/.513 mm. (.0005/.0022 in.)
- End float on crankpin .101/.254 mm. (.004/.010 in.)
Small end bore (bushed) :
Grade 'A' (silver) 20.635/20.637 mm. (.8124/.8125 in.)
Grade 'B' (green) 20.637/20.642 mm. (.8125/.8127 in.)
Gudgeon (piston) pin
Type Floating
Location Circlips
Diameter - Grade 'A' 20.627//20.628 mm. (.8121//.8122 in.)
- Grade 'B' 20.628//20.632 mm. (.8122//.8123 in.)
Class of fit Finger push fit
Type Solid skirt
Material Tin plated aluminium alloy
Length 68.250 mm. (2.687 in.)
Compression Height 39.014//39.065 mm. (1.536/1.538 in.)
Maximum permissible weight variation 4 grammes
per set
Rings - Compression 2
- Oil Control 1
Diameter - Grade 1 82.466/82.474 mm. (3.2467//3.2470 in.)
- Grade 2 82.474/82.481 mm. (3.2470/3.2473 in.)
- Grade 3 82.481/82.489 mm. (3.2473/'3.2476 in.)
- Grade 4 82.489/82.497 mm. (3.2476/3.2379 in.)
Piston clearance in cylinder bore .076/.091 mm. (.0030/.0036 in.)
Gudgeon pin bore offset 1.016 mm. (.04 in.) towards thrust
Ring gap (fitted) - Compression .229/.356 mm. (.009//.014 in.)
- Oil control .254/.508 mm. (.010//.020 in.)
Piston ring to groove clearance:
- Compression .041/.091mm. (.0016/.0036 in.)
- Oil control .046/.097 mm. (.0018/.0038 in.)
Pump: - Type. Eccentric Lobe
- Drive. Gear on Jackshaft
Inner and outer rotor clearance .15 mm. (.006 in.) Maximum
Inner and outer rotor float .13 mm. (.005 in.) Maximum
Outer rotor to housing clearance .25 mm. (.010 in.) Maximum
Normal pressure (hot) 2.4/2.8 kg. cm. sq. (35/40 lbs. in.
Filter Full flow (throw away canister)
FUEL SYSTEM - Section Menu Pump - Operation Lever by eccentric on Jackshaft
- Pressure .087/.176 kg. cm. sq. (1.25/2.5 lbs. in.
Air cleaner type Paper element, dry
Carburetter - Type and number Dellorto 40 DHLA, two
- Slow running speed 800 r .p.m.
- Settings:
Choke 30 mm.
Main jet 115
Main air corrector jet 160
Slow running jet 50
Slow running air corrector jet 7850 - 2
Pump jet 8083.40
Starter jet 70
Main emulsion tube 7772 - 1
Starter emulsion tube 7482 - 1
Needle valve 7180 - 15
Air trumpet length 4.44 cm. (1.75 in.)
Carburetter - Type and number Zenith-Stromberg 175 CD 2SE
- Slow running speed 800/900r.p.m.
- Settings:
Needle B. 1G
Spring colour Light blue
Damper oil SAE 20W/50
IGNITION SYSTEM - Section Menu Type Coil and distributor
Firing Order 1,3,4,2,
No l Cylinder Nearest to front of car
Ignition advance control Fully automatic
Ignition timing (static):
Dellorto Carburetters 12º B.T.D.C.
Zenith-Stromberg Carburetters 5° B.T.DC.
Coil Lucas LA.12
Sparking plugs - Type Champion N7Y
- Gap .584/.635 mm. (.023/.025 in.)
*The above ignition setting may need SLIGHT alteration to meet local fuel requirements.
Type 23 D.4
Direction of rotation (from above) Anti-clockwise
Drive Gear on jackshaft
Contact breaker gap .35/.40 mm. (.014/.016 in.)
Contact lever spring tension .51/.68 kg. (18/24 oz.)
Firing angles 0°, 90°, 180°, 270° ± l0
Cam dwell angle 0° * 3°
Dispatch no. - Dellorto carbs. 41189
- Zenith-Stromberg carbs. 41225 when suction retard capsule
Centrifugal advance (All distributors)
Crankshaft r.p.m. Crankshaft degrees B.T.D.C. (Add static setting)
Below 1,000 No advance
1,250 2.4
1,500 4.6
1,750 6.8
2,000 9.2
2,250 11.6
2,500 14.0 Maximum advance
COOLING SYSTEM - Section Menu Type Centrifugal pump and fan
Radiator cap relief valve pressure .49 kg. cm. sq. (7 lbs. in. sq.)
Thermostat nominal opening temperature 78° C.
Alternator belt tension at top 9.52 mm. (.375 in.)
Impeller vanes to water pump housing clearance 508/.762 mm. (.020/.030 in.)
CLUTCH - Section Menu Make and Type Borg and Beck, diaphragm spring
Operation Cable
Driven plate diameter 215.9 mm. (8½ in.)
Free movement of withdrawal lever 4.318 mm. (.170 in.)
TRANSMISSION - Section Menu Type 4 forward speeds and reverse
Bearings - Mainshaft Taper rollers
- Secondary gear cluster Taper rollers
Bearings - Adjustment See section 'F' (Transmission)
Gear ratios: 4 speed 5 speed
- O/D (5th.) N/A 0.87 : 1
- 4th. 1.03 : 1 1.21 : 1
- 3rd. 1.48 : 1 1.61 : 1
- 2nd. 2.25 : 1 2.33 : 1
- 1st. 3.61 : 1 3.61 : 1
Reverse 3.08 : 1 3.08 : 1
Final drive -Type Hypoid gear
- Bearings - Pinion Taper rollers
- Diff./crown wheel Taper rollers
Drive shaft end-float .050/.076 mm. (.002/.004 in.)
Bearings adjustment - Pinion bearing pre-load See section 'F' (Transmission)
- Crown wheel/pinion .127/.254 mm. (.005/.010 in)backlash
Number of teeth - Crown wheel 32) Type 336/352 34) Type 365
- Pinion 9) gearbox 9) gearbox
Speedometer gears : Driving Gear Driven Gear
Type 336 & 352 gearbox 6 teeth 12 teeth
(4 speed) (X046 F 6049Z) (X046 F 6108Z)
Type 365 gearbox 9 teeth 19 teeth
(5 speed) (A074 F 6111 Z) (A074 F 6136Z)
Final drive ratio - 4 speed 3.56:1
- 5 speed 3.78:1
Overall ratios: 4 speed 5 speed
- O/D (5th.) N/A 3.289:1
- 4th. 3.666:1 4.574:1
- 3rd. 5.268:1 6.086:1
- 2nd. 8.010:1 8.807:1
- 1 st. 12.851:1 13.646:1
- Reverse 10.964:1 11.642:1
STEERING - Section MenuType Rack and Pinion
Steering angles - Camber 0° to + 30'
- Castor 2° 30' + 30'
- Swivel pin inclination 9° + 30'
- Toe in 4.8 mm. (3/16 in.) to 1.6mm. (1/16 in)
Condition for checking toe in 15 cm. (6 in.) ground clearance at
FRONT SUSPENSION - Section Menu Type Independent
Spring - Number of coils 13.5
- Wire diameter 10.16 mm. (.40 in.)
- Length -Free 31.77 cm. (12.51 in.)
- Fitted 20.01 cm. (7.88 in.)
- Rate 1.33 kg.m. (116 lbs. in.)
Front hub end float .05/.10 mm. (.002/.004 in.)
REAR SUSPENSION - Section Menu Type Independent
Spring - Number of coils 19.6
- Wire diameter 8.23 mm. (.324 in.)
- Length - Free 42.54 cm. (16.75 in.)
- Fitted 25.04 cm. (9.86 in.)
- Rate .865 kg.m. (75 lbs. in.)
Wheel camber 1° Negative +- 30'
Toe - in 6.35 mm. (¼ in.) to 3.18 mm.(1/8 in.)
BRAKES - Section Menu Make and type Girling hydraulic (servo assisted)
Front brakes - Disc diameter 24.76 cm. (9.75 in.)
- Pads material Ferodo FER .2430 F
- Total disc run out .10 mm. (.004 in.)
Rear Brakes
- Drum diameter and width - T/C 20.3cm. (8 in.) x 31.75mm.(1.25 in.)
- Special 20.3cm. (8 in.) x 38.10mm.(1.50 in.)
- Lining material Don.242
Handbrake type Mechanical on rear only
WHEELS AND TYRES - Section MenuWheel - Type Pressed steel - bolt on
- Size 4½J
Tyres - Type Dunlop SP Sport with tubes
- Size 155 X HR13
- Pressure (cold):
At speeds BELOW 160 k.p.h. (100 m.p.h.) At sustained speeds ABOVE 160 k.p.h. (100 m.p.h.)
Front 1.27kg.cm.sq. (18 lbs. in.sq.) 1.69kg.cm.sq. (24 1bs. in.sq.)
Rear 1.97kg.cm.sq. (28 lbs. in.sq.) 2.39kg.cm.sq. (34 lbs. in.sq.)
It is not necessary to increase the tyre pressures for any reason other than those given.
* When inner tubes are fitted, it is essential that these are of the correct type for
radial ply tyres.
Optional Wheels and Tyres.
Wheel - Type Alloy - Bolt on
- Size 5½J X 13
- Nuts, torque loading 5.53 - 6.22 kg. m. (40-45 lbs. ft.)
Tyres - Type Firestone Cavalino 'wide oval'
- Size 175/185 x 13
- Pressure (cold):
At speeds BELOW 160 kph (100 mph) At sustained speeds ABOVE 160 kph (100 mph)
Front 1.125kg. cm.2 (16 1bs. in.sq.) 1.547kg. cm.2 (22 lbs. in.sq.)
Rear 1.828kg. cm.2 (26 lbs. in.sq.) 2.250kg. cm.2 (32 lbs. in.sq.)
It is not necessary to increase the tyre pressures for any reason other reason
other than those given.
Type Exide 6 VTA 29L
Capacity 39amp. hr. @ 20 hr. rating
Voltage and polarity 12 volt Negative earth
Quantity 4; 35 amp
Type AC Delco DN 460
Maximum output 35 amp @ 3,600 r.p.m.
Earth polarity Negative
Number of poles 14
Stator phases 3
Type Lucas M35J
Drive 'SB' (inboard)
Brush tension .80 kg. (28 oz.)
Light running current 65 amp @ 8,000/10,000 rpm
Lock torque .97 kg. m. (7 lbs. ft.) @ 350/375 amp
Lamp bulbs (all 12 volts)
Headlamp - RHD 410 (45/40W) with 989 (6W) pilot
- LHD 410 (45/40W) with 989 (6W) pilot
- France 411 (45/40W) yellow with 989 (6W)
- North America Sealed beam unit
Front and rear indicators 382 (21W)
Indicator repeater 501 (5W capless)
Stop and tall lamps 380 (21/6W)
Rear number plate lamp 254 (6W festoon)
Reverse lamp 273 (21W festoon)
Interior lamp 254 (6W festoon)
Panel (instrument) lamps 987 (2.4W)
Warning lamps 987 (2.4W)
kg. m. lbs. ft.
Cylinder head (tighten cold) 8.29 - 8.98 60 - 65
Cylinder head to front cover 1.38 - 2.07 10 - 15
Sparking plugs 3.31 - 3.87 24 - 28
Camshafts - Bearing caps 1.24 9
- Sprockets 3.45 - 4.14 25 - 30
Crankshaft - Main bearing caps 7.60 - 8.29 55 - 60
- Connecting rod (big-end) caps 6.08 - 6.36 44 - 46
- Pulley 3.31 - 3.87 24 - 28
Flywheel 6.22 - 6.91 45 - 50
Front timing cover ¼" (UNF & UNC) .69 - .96 5 - 7
5/16" (UNF & UNC) 1.38 - 2.07 10 - 15
- Back plate to cylinder block .83 - 1.10 6 - 8
Timing chain tensioner - Sprocket pin 5.53 - 6.22 40 - 45
- Retaining bolt 6.22 - 6.91 45 - 50
- Pivot pin 5.53 - 6.22 40 - 45
Jackshaft - Sprocket .65 - 2.07 12 - 15
- Thrust plate .69 - .96 5 - 7
Oil filter centre bolt 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
Oil pump to cylinder block 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
Oil sump to cylinder block .83 - 1.10 6 - 8
Oil sump drain plug 2.76 - 3.45 20 - 25
Fuel pump to cylinder block 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
Exhaust manifolds to cylinder head 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
Rear oil seal carrier (crankshaft) to cyl. block 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
Generator to mounting bracket 2.07 -2.48 15 - 18
Carburetter trumpet nuts 1.10 8
Engine mounting bracket to engine 2.48 18
kg. m. lbs. ft.
Clutch housing to gearbox 5.53 - 6.22 40 - 45
clutch assembly to flywheel 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
Gearbox casing (halves) Section 'F'
Differential case to crown wheel Section 'F'
Differential bearing adjusting nuts 2.07 15
Pinion bearing nut 11.75 85
Speedometer drive worm Section 'F'
Reverse selector pivot Section 'F'
Side cover plates 2.07 15
Gearbox mounting bracket to chassis 4.83 35
Stub axle retaining nut 8.98 - 10.36 65 - 75
Ball joint - To vertical link 5.25 - 5.80 38 - 42
- To upper wishbone 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
Lower wishbone - To trunnion * 4.83 35
- To damper * 6.91 50
Inner wishbone retaining nut * 6.91 50
Caliper mounting plate to hub 3.04 - 3.73 22 - 27
Steering arm to vertical link 3.04 - 3.73 22 - 27
Steering tie rod ball joint 3.59 -3.87 26 -28
Steering tie rod adaptor 6.91 50
Steering unit mounting clamps to chassis 1.38 10
Steering column impact clamp 3.59 - 4.42 26 - 32
* Tighten with suspension in static ride condition
Lower link and damper to bearing housing 7.60 55
Lower link to clutch housing 5.53 40
Lower link mounting bracket to transmission 1.65 12
Bearing housing to radius arm 2.48 18
Radius arm front mounting bolt 4.83 35
Rear damper top mounting 5.53 40
Rear hub to outboard drive shaft* 20.70 150
Brake disc to front hub 3.04 - 3.73 22 - 27
Front hub to spindle nut ** .69 - .83 5 - 6
*Assemble with Loctite '35'. A rotational free play NOT EXCEEDING .127 mm (005 in.) between
the hub and shaft measured at the wheel stud MUST be used for LEFT HAND hubs.
**Tighten nut to this torque loading while rotating the hub to ensure bedding of taper rollers.
Slacken nut 'one flat', then insert split pin.
3/8 in UNF female (bundy and hose connection) 1.10 - 1.38 8 - 10
3/8 in UNF male (bundy to master cylinder, .69 - .96 5 - 7
multi-ways etc.)
7/16 in. UNF male 1.93 - 2.90 14 - 21
3/8 in. bore servo bundy (5/8 in. male) 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
Stop lamp switch 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
Brake hose to banjo 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
7/16 in. UNF female (bundy to reservoir) 1.65 - 1.93 12 - 14
Torque Wrenches
Torque wrenches in daily use should be checked at intervals not exceeding 3 months
to ensure that accuracy is maintained.
kg. m. lbs. ft.
1/4 in. UNF and UNC .69 - .96 5 - 7
5/16 in. UNF and UNC 1.65 - 2.07 12 - 15
3/8 in. UNC 2.35 - 3.04 17 - 22
3/8 in. UNF 3.04 - 3.73 22 - 27
7/16 in. UNC 4.14 - 4.85 30 - 35
7/16 in. UNF 5.53 - 6.22 40 - 45
1/2 in. UNC 6.22 - 6.91 45 - 50
1/2 in. UNF 6.91 - 8.29 50 - 60
9/16 in. UNC 8.29 - 9.68 60 - 70
9/16 in. UNF 8.98 - 10.36 65 - 75
5/8 in. U NC 10.36 - 11.75 75 - 85
5/8 in. UNF 13.82 - 15.20 110 - 110