Been there, done that! The plate is sandwiched in between the outer/upper and inner/lower body skins of the car. Unfortunately, water can get in there and rot the mild steel plate. The three 1/4 bolts on the top of the plate bolt to the plate, while the two #8 bolts on the bottom go through the outer and inner body skins. From inside the rear fender well, take off the closing panel by drilling out the rivets and reach as far as you can into the sill. Since you have to go through all this trouble just to take the plate out, you might as well make sure that it won't happen again. The suggestion is to fabricate a new one out of 16 ga. Stainless Steel and hardware. There is a mechanical drawing of the plate floating around somewhere on the Web (is in in our files area?). -Gaetano Liberatore 7110191229R --- In lotuseuropa@y..., "Trevor Russ" <Trevor@r...> wrote: > I am in the process of restoring Europa Type 65 in the process of removing the top seat belt locating bolt the mounting plate also came away has this happened to anyone else? What is the best way of fixing the mounting plate in place or gaining access to it ??? > Any idea's or assistance in repairing this major safety item would be gratefully received > > Thanks in advance > > Trevor Russ > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |